Ok. Ok. There is a point to this column - recognizing the passing of two brilliant minds (no, of course not from here), those of Art Buchwald & Molly Ivins, perhaps the last two people to make sense out of the American political quagmire.
I have been accused of borrowing heavily from the style of said writers, & will admit, MUCH better talents than I have a debt to these two.
I'm going to continue to "paraphrase" some of the better work of Art & Molly, so, this is my apology, in advance. It's not like anyone bothers when Joe Biden sez anything foolish so why should I? Oh, scratch that.
Column space is running out so let me throw out the Ivin-esque observations I've held back these last few months…
Bill Frist overheard at The Ford funeral: "His condition is serious but stable". Oddly, Frist made the same comment after viewing the video of Saddam's hanging. At least he's consistent, unlike some Presidents I could name...
But give W credit. His motto, "If at first you don't succeed, redefine success," works for him.
And after the election? Voters across the country were saying "The emperor wears no clothes." (Except in my home state of
With so many candidates running in '08, they strike some people as a bunch of dwarfs, but after all, we're looking to fill some tiny shoes .
Molly Ivins once observed "
And Art Buchwald, well, he proved you can live in
I've been trying to come up with a proper tribute to the two influential and special columnists Bruce mentions. Buchwald was a huge influence on me - his was the first column I ever read regularly. Thanks Bruce! (PBG)
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